Shop For Home 2020 Catalogue - Outdoor Furniture Homeware Storage Cabinet (The Home Shoppe)
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Your 1 Stop Shop for all outdoor furniture, storage cabinets and homeware products! Create a dream garden with our easy to maintain and stylish patio furniture, sun loungers and flower planters from Keter! Running out of space? Expand your storage space with our smart storage solutions from indoor to outdoor! Waterproof plastic storage cabinets, Garden Sheds and DIY extension rods to fully utilize your space indoors and outside! Clean like a pro with our wide range of cleaning tools from Rubbermaid and Nordic stream. Biggest selection of laundry baskets and laundry towers to choose from Curver and Heian shindo. Quality products at affordable price, Made in Europe. SCAN TO SHOP or shop online: www.thehomeshoppe.com.sg
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